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3 Results
06 Jun
How connectivity can play a key role in rail braking systems
Train deceleration is a key function that implies passengers’ safety, environment and property protection and nothing can be left to chance or neglected when it is the moment to select the right parts that have to compose the brake system. With this in mind, the design engineers have to pay attention to reduce the overall maintenance costs as well to provide a dependable and market aligned solution.
10 Jan
How Rail electrification can contribute to emissions reduction
The great impetus given by the COP26 summit has raised the world's awareness of climate change and made it a global priority. It is today well-known that to halt the consequences of climate change we need to limit global warming to 1.5°C (34.7°F) above pre-industrial levels. As a result, all aspects of our lives are under scrutiny.
22 Jan
The evolution of rail mobility and where the performance of components is critical.
The request for faster, safer and more comfortable services has grown proportionally in the rail industry over the recent years and the last two decades have seen exponential growth in the use of technology towards the evolution of very sophisticated transport system where the performance of components is more and more critical.