8 Results
Phase Stable Cable Assemblies
Lab-Flex T cable is the ultimate solution for those testing conditions which require the minimum phase change during temperature and mechanical flexure.
Semi-Rigid Cable Assemblies
The Semi-Rigid cables are available with a copper or aluminum jacket and available with a selection of different platings and 4 different diameters.
SpaceNXT™ QT Series
Offers improved phase stability over a wide range of temperatures found in space environments whilst meeting all NASA/ESA outgassing specifications. It is equipped with ETFE radiation resistant jacket materials.
Hand-Formable Cable assemblies
Conformable cables (hand formable) have a tin filled braid with a metal foil underlay and is also available in the same diameters as the Semi-Rigid type.
High Performance Cable Assemblies
Lab-Flex Series are high performance flexible cable assemblies with the lowest insertion loss and highest frequency response.
High Performance Dynamic Cable Assemblies
Lab-Flex S Series is ideal for high dynamic flexure applications using precision grade low loss PTFE and stranded center conductors designed for Test & Measurement, Defense, Commercial markets.
Solid PTFE Flexible Cable Assemblies
Mini-Flex and Titan-Flex® assemblies combine a silver plated, copper clad steel center conductor, the crush resistance of a high density dielectric, the strength of over-sized braids.
Cable Assembly Options
Options that allow your cable assemblies to maintain their performance by increasing the assembly durability and ruggedness to a level required in many extreme terrestrial environments.